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Friday, August 10, 2012

small county fairs

This is the last weekend of our county fair as I walked through some of the exhibits were amazing! All the long hours and hard work that the exhibitor put into their project diffidently, paid off for the exhibitors.
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Have a Great Day!
Colo Junkett

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2012 August Celebrations



Oh the Doggy Days of Summer!  Who thought up that saying any way..?

August is Friendship month

August 1st – Full Moon

1st week of August you can celebrate “Clown week”

August 3rd – Watermelon Day

August 12th – 13th Meteor Showers

August 20th – 1st day of college for me

August 25th – I’ll need to get a birthday card out to my Dad

August 27th – kids go back to school

August 31st – second Full Moon (Blue Moon)

The month of August is a pretty laid back month for me, however here in my neck of the woods there will be lots going on

1st of August through the 12th  with the Moffat County Fair.

Now that we all have a little bit of a breather before Labor Day the Official holiday, that says that the summer is over and get back to routines.

How are you spending the rest of the summer?

Have a Great Day!

Colo Junkett