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Monday, October 11, 2010

“A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned”




I count pennies and proud of it!  I find them in the washer, dryer,on the floor, in the couch it’s amazing how fast those little pennies add up. Actually, it’s the only currency that I’m able to save.

When my daughter ask for extra money. I point to my my penny jar,she rolls her eyes and says never mine.

What is it about pennies that teenager don’t think there spendable currency?

Have a Great Day!

Colo Junkett

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Friday, October 8, 2010

I'm Not Authorized!!!!

I just got a reality check today and it hurt my feelings! I was trying to verify that my DD2 had medical coverage.
As you know my DD2 turned 18 last month it was the happiest day.
Today, I  found the time to set on the phone to wait to talk to a person about health coverage for her through her state provider, after some time I finally was able to talk to a human and I was told I was not authorized to be given any information concerning my daughter now that she has turned 18.
I was told by the rep that my daughter would have to call back to get the information I was looking for.

Funny thing is when DD2 called back and found out she needed to call another office to get the information I needed.  Go Figure--The hoops we jump through to get what???
Hope you all have a Great Day!
Colo Junkett

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Am I obsessing again !


I've been beating my self up lately about how I'm taking care of my body.
  • over eating
  • not exercising
  • not getting the rest I need
I must get a grip and get back in the saddle!

Have a Great Day!
Colo Junkett