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Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Finding Vintage Treasures From a Little Antique Mall

Hi Friends,
Went shopping this weekend at a little antique mall and was super excited to find a pair of 1950's Royal Copley Hen/Rooster, I didn't see any chips for $14.00 for pair.


I have had this set of 1950's Royal Copley Hen/Rooster planter set for about ten years. They are pretty beat up, quite a few chips.  I believe I paid $12.00 for the pair.  The rooster lost his beak and a big chip on the base.

This was another item I found out the little antique mall, it didn't come with a spoon, but I think it is used for sugar or honey maybe?

I don't think it is vintage, but I bought it because it was a chicken and had this very cute baby chick on her back, backwards!!

Thanks for stopping by, If you have a idea what this cute chicken container might be used for let me know.

Thank you for stopping by.  

May God Bless you and your family.
Until next time, Vicki a Colorado Junkett