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Monday, March 22, 2021

Rustic Spring Front Porch Décor - Rustic vintage for Spring

 Hi Friends,

Spring is here, out on my front porch.   

My thought process this year was to incorporate burlap, buffalo checked ribbon, a little Spanish moss vines, twigs and a couple logs into a rustic farmhouse look for my front porch.

I keep the vintage milk cans and wire milk crates out year round.  So all I did was add the items I had envisioned. 

Then some spring daffodils, pussy willows and a couple of vintage galvanized buckets.

I'm pretty please how this all came together.  It is still quit cool here mid 30's during the day. 

I think the yellow daffodils show hope of warmer days.

Thank you so much for checking in to see what I've been up to.  Until the next post.

God Bless You and Your Family.
Vicki a Colorado Junkett