Hi Friends,
It's another glorious day here at My Little Colorado Cottage.
This is the cottage gate to my happy place, my garden.
Today I just had to show off a few blooms in garden, these blooms make me happy!
Hi Friends,
It's another glorious day here at My Little Colorado Cottage.
This is the cottage gate to my happy place, my garden.
Today I just had to show off a few blooms in garden, these blooms make me happy!
Hi Friends,
Today, I'll be doing a little project with felt to make some bowl fillers or ornies to add to my March décor this season.
I always have felt around, when ever I'm out thrifting I always pick up felt. So many things to use felt for.
I found this pattern from a craft book I have and cut out the shamrocks
So until next time friends, May God bless you and your family.
I'm Vicki the Colo-Junkett
Hi Friends,
Today I'm excited to share how I'm decorating my kitchen for Christmas. My though process is Christmassy, sparkly, silver sparkle, red poinsettias.
Thank you for stopping by, and checking out what I am up to.
God bless you and your family.
I'm Vicki a Colorado Junkett