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Friday, January 27, 2012

Just an Idea

MP900400353[1]Still planning to make some money with my blog, but not sure what angle I need

to pursue…….

  • Do I need a distributor?
  • Do I need a product?
  • Can I promote my town activities? or is it illegal?
  • advise…not sure what I have to offfer

Hum, I get back to this

Colo Junkett


Making idea list and sticking to them
2011 is such a blur
I didn’t get very much accomplished that I had planned.
What happened

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Weight Management

The new year has come around and I only dropped a total of 15# last year not my goal.  However, since Thanksgiving I can see I'm falling back into old habits....a hambuger with fries here and there, the chips when I get a chance and I've stopped walking.  I think with winter setting in everyone has this excuse.  Right?

2012 I'll be with the rest of you and starting to plan for weight lost thank goodness for start overs!

Have a get Day!
Colo Junkett

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year! and Resolutions



Have you thinking about a New Year Resolution? I have and this is what I would like to do…….

I’m going to try and blog at least once a week if not two and comment on the blogs I follow. Which is a long list

Laughing out loud I’m terrible about spending 1/2 day or about 5 hours reading blog that I follow to get my day started and not commenting to make their day.

I surf to get motivation and encouragement and never thank you ladies. SORRY

I’m going to make a challenge to my self  to work at doing my part.

Did you make a Resolution? What change are you going to make? For yourself or your blog?

Happy New Year!

Colo Junkett