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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Show and Tell - February Themed Banners

I saw this banner on Pinterest from Little Maisie on www.esty.com and thought it would fit into my rustic farmhouse decor, so here is my version.

Burlap & Lace Heart Banner Valentine's Day Red White Gingham by LittleMaisie on Etsy https://www.etsy.com/listing/220103201/burlap-lace-heart-banner-valentines-day:

 I had made for the mantel in the den, but I measured wrong and the banner was to long to fit the mantel, so I hung it in my living room.  I think it looks great in the living room at the front window.

I had some sack cloth I bought on sale at my local Walmart, and of course you know I always have felt square and twine.  I choose to make my hearts 5" x 41/2, sorry I just kind of eye ball when I cut the template for the sack cloth/ red felt hearts.

I got the stencils out and traced the letters for, "Happy Valentine".  I used red and white acrylics paints to fill in the stencil letters.  Then I hot glued twine that I have on hand to transform the hearts into a banner.

This project was super easy and I was able to finish this banner in about four hours.

I found another Valentine garland project that looked fairly easy on Pinterest of course, saved from
www.redtedart.com, go check this site out she has a lot of wonderful paper craft ideas.

valentines day decorations - hugs and kisses garlands!:

This project was a little more time consuming the cutting and taping took some time, but I really liked how it turned out.  I hung this garland  in my living room with my green-fir garland.

 Gives this project a try, for your Valentine Day decor.

Have a wonderful Day
Vicki the ColoJunkett

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Heart Banner Tutorial

When I have some time on the weekend I love to work on some easy crafts for my rustic farmhouse look.  The last two Saturdays I've been working on a small heart banner that I saw on Pinterest saved from www.catchmyparty.com.  I always have felt squares around and I have seen crafters using burlap ribbon.

So here was my project..

I had the red, white, and pink felt squares and started cutting three sizes of hearts to layer all I saw was a lot of white.

I had bought a couple of rolls of burlap ribbon from the dollar tree.  I really didn't have a plan for the burlap when I bought it.   I tried to incorporate the burlap and thought the burlap gave the hearts a rustic feel.  Once I had all the heart cut and glued.  I decided to brush them with watered down Elmer's Glue.

What a mistake, it took several day for the glue to dry and the burlap separated and started to curl up.
I laid out the hearts on plastic wrap and put books on them for a couple of days to flatten out the hearts

that did the trick then I just used my glue gun and attached jute to the back to make the banner.

This is the finished project, I think it turned out okay and it gives a little bit of color to the front of my fireplace and mantel.

I hope this gives you some inspiration to add some color to your decor for February.

Have a Wonderful Day!
Vicki the ColoJunkett