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Showing posts with label wildflowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wildflowers. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Cottage Garden Update - Perennials - Wildflowers

Hi Friends, 
 I'm so glad your here!
Today, I'm so excited to share blooms in the garden.
I have lived in this house closed to ten years.
the five 'Lilac' bushes were planted up against the back fence of my yard.
The first year I planted a few perennials
'Purple Salvia' 

'Red Dianthus'

 'Lambs Ear'
this perennial will have small purple blooms in late Summer

the beautiful 'Irises' were transplanted from my previous home.
I really enjoy having perennials and bulb that bloom every year.
A few new addition to my cottage garden this year .....

Last summer I planted 'Allium' bulbs, gifted from a friend.
I experimented with a packet of wildflowers.
I see the 'Cone Flower' from seed have come back.
along with wild Asters seeds sprouting.
I can not wait to see what color these new wild flowers will be!
I'm so ready for summer!
 Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to stop by and see what is happening at 'My Little Colorado Cottage' this week.
 I would love to hear if you like do any gardening and or have house plants in your home

 So until my next post...... 

May God Bless You and Your Family,
 I'm Vicki a Colorado Junkett