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Showing posts with label simply. Show all posts
Showing posts with label simply. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2022

Simple Diy egg carton

 Hi Friends,

Today I'm trying to recycle a couple of paper pulp egg cartons.  My thought was to make a few more vessels to display a few more of my upcycled plastic Easter eggs.

Starting with a 12 count egg carton........

I simply cut the lid off the carton

Cut the locking flap edge off

Cut the cups side in half

I used the lid to cover the raw end of the six cup carton. I cut out the center strip in the lid and cut just to one side of the latch holes of the the lid.


As you can see I  just glue the end piece holding tightly to help it stay in place. 

At the end is a little gap and I just cut a triangle from the lid to cover the gap

Here is the finish project, fairly simple craft that I can use to display a grouping of upscale plastic Easter eggs.

Taking some Spanish moss lining the egg cups I placed a couple of upcycled plastic eggs along with egg shells. I love how they turned out.

I'm so glad you stopped by, this project is a simple diy using items you may have around the house.  I hope I gave you a little bit of inspiration to try a simple craft project for your Spring or Easter décor.

So... until next time May God Bless You and Your Family,
 I'm Vicki a Colorado Junkett