Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Still trying to find the best plan to concur the paper piles?
Oh well, gives me a chance to stay inside and work on some of my piles of paper. Don’t know if I mention it or not, but I always have a stack of magazine/newspaper clippings of project ideas or places I want to visit, notes of important things like phone numbers birthdays I feel I need to remember,etc.
I am a visual person and I’ve tried several ideas in the past unfortunately, I’m still trying to figure out the best plan to concur the paper piles.
Have a Great Day!
Colorado Junkett
Sunday, July 15, 2012
A Thrifted bucket as a planted
In the past I have use a few different vessels to plant in. This is a gold panning pan
An old child's Red Radio Flyer wagon I picked up some where for cheap, cuz I do not usually pay full price
for anything.
Rain? What you taking about?
I have been watering my potted plant every day this summer, you all know how dry it has been. Our local weather man has been teasing us with the possibility of rain for a couple of weeks now.
Oh yeah the wind comes up and the clouds gather and darken and the they move east which the eastern slope which is good I guess, because they really need the rain, but not the wing, because of all the fires.
Some one was doing the rain dance this weekend we actually got some afternoon rain showers. It’s been raining off an on for two days now which is great, but the fire ban in my area is still in affect.
On the positive side my potted plant are looking fabulace!
Have a Great Day!
Colorado Junkett
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Brown’s Park Bird Refuge
Friday, June 15, 2012
Yard Sale Time
I’ve been trying to downsize quite a bit. You just know how much stuff you manage to stuff in every nook and cranny of your house until you start going through rooms
Oh my goodness do I have stuff
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
To many colored pencils? NEVER!
It’s kinda like collecting crayons or ink pens that have dried up ink right?
I’ve had some time to myself this past week and I have actually went into my office space and started going through some of my boxes in my closet
Most time than nun I immediately go right to the computer to check mail and then you all know what happens next? The surfing begins and my project never even get started.
I’m so proud of myself! I emptied three boxes of “office supplies”, you know things like paper clips, rubber bands, adding machine tape for a machine I don’t have any more and found homes for all of the “office supplies”.
I just couldn’t throw away the ink pens……. baby steps.
Have a Great Day!
Colorado Junkett
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Thrifting for Vintage Items
Friday, January 27, 2012
Just an Idea
2011 is such a blur
I didn’t get very much accomplished that I had planned.
What happened
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Weight Management
2012 I'll be with the rest of you and starting to plan for weight lost thank goodness for start overs!
Have a get Day!
Colo Junkett
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year! and Resolutions
Have you thinking about a New Year Resolution? I have and this is what I would like to do…….
I’m going to try and blog at least once a week if not two and comment on the blogs I follow. Which is a long list
I’m terrible about spending 1/2 day or about 5 hours reading blog that I follow to get my day started and not commenting to make their day.
I surf to get motivation and encouragement and never thank you ladies. SORRY
I’m going to make a challenge to my self to work at doing my part.
Did you make a Resolution? What change are you going to make? For yourself or your blog?
Happy New Year!
Colo Junkett