Well, my brother-in-law said he had a compound miter saw that he wasn't using and if I thought I could handle it I could borrow the saw for while. If anyone has ever use a saw like this?! I was in heaven!!! This saw can do so many things.. I did get my daughters shelf done and decided to work on some shelves for my kitchen bay area.
I think I have mentioned I have been collecting vintage country farm treasures for quite a while now. When I made this last move my collection needed to be downsized just a little. So in order to do this I told myself if I can find a place to put it I can keep it.
On Whatcha Working on Wednesday's Wednesday's, I try to check in with Leslie at http://www.sweet-mycountryhome.blogspot.com/, Rondell at http://www.rondell-tomatoecreekprims.blogspot.com/ and LisaMae at http://www.blacksheepprim.blogspot.com/
These Ladies have wonderful project that really get me inspired! Do stop by their blogs and take a look you will love reading their blogs as much as I do.
So....... back to my story. After I tackled putting up shelves in my living closet last month, as you can see I went a little crazy with finding homes for my collection of old tin cans, rustic wooden boxes, cast iron, signs, salt/pepper shakers, enamel ware, vintage cookie jars. You name it, if it's rustic I bring it home.
I just love my red walls in the kitchen don't you?
As long as my sister lets me have this awesome saw I know I can find another project! I still have a few Treasures that need homes. :)
Until next time have a wonderful Day
Colo Junkett