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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I Changed My Mind and Repainted The Small Bamboo Organizer

Hi Friends, I'm so glad your here! 

Remember the small bamboo organizer I thrifted awhile back and painted it green and crackle it?

I thought the brown paint made it to dark, so I painted another two coats of kelly green over the entire shelf.

I think I like this better, I have thought about news print on the back of the cubbies, but
I'm happy with the way this small shelf turned out.
 Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to stop by, let my know what you think of my flip. 
 I would love to hear what you have found thrifting and how you style it in your home. 

 So until my next post...... 

May God Bless You and Your Family.
 I'm Vicki a Colorado Junkett

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Vintage Thrift Shopping - Looking for Vintage-Inspired Treasures for My Cottage Home June 1, 2024

Hi Friends, 
 I'm so glad your here! 

Today, I'm so excited to share a new purchase this week!

I've been watching this 4 pieces set of 'Currier & Ives' dishes for more than two months. They were priced at $3.00 to $5.00 a piece depending on the size.
Today I got the small set of 12 pieces for $4.00! 

4 - Dinner Plates

4- Bread and Butter Plates

4 - Soup Bowls

4 - Cup Saucers

Unfortunately there were no coffee cups


However, I had picked up a coffee cup a couple of months ago from my local thrift on half-price day.

So now I'm on the hunt for 3 more coffee cups!
I hope I have given you some ideas of treasures you can keep your eye out when thrifting.

Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to stop by to see what treasures I have found out thrifting this week. 

 I would love to hear what you have found thrifting and how you style it in your home. 

 So until my next post...... 
May God Bless You and Your Family.

 I'm Vicki a Colorado Junkett

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Cottage Garden Update - Perennials - Wildflowers

Hi Friends, 
 I'm so glad your here!
Today, I'm so excited to share blooms in the garden.
I have lived in this house closed to ten years.
the five 'Lilac' bushes were planted up against the back fence of my yard.
The first year I planted a few perennials
'Purple Salvia' 

'Red Dianthus'

 'Lambs Ear'
this perennial will have small purple blooms in late Summer

the beautiful 'Irises' were transplanted from my previous home.
I really enjoy having perennials and bulb that bloom every year.
A few new addition to my cottage garden this year .....

Last summer I planted 'Allium' bulbs, gifted from a friend.
I experimented with a packet of wildflowers.
I see the 'Cone Flower' from seed have come back.
along with wild Asters seeds sprouting.
I can not wait to see what color these new wild flowers will be!
I'm so ready for summer!
 Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to stop by and see what is happening at 'My Little Colorado Cottage' this week.
 I would love to hear if you like do any gardening and or have house plants in your home

 So until my next post...... 

May God Bless You and Your Family,
 I'm Vicki a Colorado Junkett

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Vintage-Inspired Spring Vignettes

Hi Friends, 
 I'm so glad your here! 
Today, I'm so excited to share, a couple Spring vignettes in a corner of my Family-room, using some of my thrifted vintage treasures.
In this vignette I just added two thrifted Spring Garden Books.

and a vintage bird print

Bird prints on the clip board from "The Graphic Fairy""The Graphic Fairy"

A Herbal Remedies book I found a few weeks ago, added faux greens in the thrifted 'Crown' crock.

I'm using vintage flatware from my grandmother to hold a paper bird cutout.
I hope you found some inspiration and a few ideas, to add vintage thrifted treasures in your Spring decorating.
      Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to stop. 

 I would love to hear what you have found thrifting and how you style it in your home. 

 So until my next post...... 

May God Bless You and Your Family,
 I'm Vicki a Colorado Junkett

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Looking for Vintage Treasures - Weekend Thrifting

Hi Friends, I'm so glad you stopped by the cottage!

 I'm so excited to share a few fun treasure I found at my local Community Budget Center on half price day.
I bought a few books as you can see for 50 cent each.......

1st book - "The Holy Bible" is a few years old 
very pretty inside section for recording inportant family milestones

a beautiful picture representing 'Jacob's Ladder'

some fun vintage epemera pieces were also found in the pages

2nd book - "Nancy Drew" were the go to mystery read, when I was in Junior High. I read every book the library had.

"The Haunted Bridge" found a home with a very small collection of Nancy Drew Mysteries, I have.

3rd book - "Baptist Hymnal"

I've been looking for vintage Hymnal
to use for crafting and I have found two so far this year.

I was kind of a funny surprise to see the prices on the vintage insulators .....
the larger insulator was priced at $5.00 as is with a good size chip on the bottom. 

I didn't mind because I'm adding them on my fence post in the back yard.
I found a vintage glass decanter.

Not long ago, decanters use to be fruitful at the thrift stores, but once I've been on the hunt for reasonably priced decanter, there hard to come by. 

I'm hoping in the near future I'll be able to share an up cycle cabinet I brought home a few years ago
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to stop by 'My Little Colorado Cottage'. I hope you found some inspiration to get out vintage thrifting.
 I would love to hear what you think about the treasures I found this weekend
 So until my next post...... 

May God Bless You and Your Family,
 I'm Vicki a Colorado Junkett

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Spring Season in the Cottage Garden - Fruit Trees Bloom

Hi Friends, 
 I'm so glad your here! 
Today, I feel so blessed to share Gods creation.
Just last week we had snow and look what the 'Spring Season', has brought to a corner of my back yard! A little bit of sunshine!
Wild Plum blossoms are gorgeous, smell wonderfully and attracts the bees and butterflies. 
My neighbor's Red Bud tree is so, beautiful! the smell is so wonderful, I've been known to snip a couple of branches to bring into the house.
 Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to stop by to see what's happening at 'My Little Colorado Cottage', this week. 

 I would love to hear, do you also love seeing fruit trees in bloom? 

 So until my next post...... May God Bless You and Your Family. I'm Vicki a Colorado Junkett

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!

Hi Friends, 

 Wishing you all a very Happy Mothers Days! 

I am very blessed to have a wonderful and loving family!
 Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to stop by, 'My Little Colorado Cottage'
 I would love to hear what you have been doing around your home this week, if it was out thrifting or changing up a vignette in your home. 
 So until my next post...... 

May God Bless You and Your Family,
 I'm Vicki a Colorado Junkett

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Snow in the Spring Flower Garden? Looking Forward to Summer!

Hi Friends, 

 I'm so glad you stopped by, a couple of weeks ago the garden was looking like Spring, with the Spring flowers in bloom.

This week we had snow!
in the garden

I'm so looking forward to Summer
and working in the garden.
 Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to stop by to see what I has been going on at 'My Little Colorado Cottage.
I would love to hear what you have found thrifting and how you style it in your home. 
 So until my next post...... 

May God Bless You and Your Family,
 I'm Vicki a Colorado Junkett